In this section
Selecting the right school for your child
We have created a guide for parents and carers. It contains useful information about the application process including -
- details about primary schools in Hull
- important dates for you to know
- information on making an application
- making a summer born application
The guide is available to download.
Most primary schools currently use a catchment area as part of their admission arrangements. You can see if your home is in the catchment area of your preferred school by looking at the catchment map.
If you have selected -
- Alderman Cogan’s
- St Andrews
- St Charles
- Endsleigh Holy Child
- St Anthony’s
- St Mary Queen of Martyrs
- St Richards
- St Thomas More
- St Vincent’s
as one of your preferred schools, you need to complete and return a supplementary information form which is available from the school or on the school website. This is can be submitted with your online application or sent in the post to -
School Admissions Team
Room 128
The Guildhall
Alfred Gelder Street
For more information about catchment areas or maps, contact the Admissions team by email on or telephone 01482 300 300.