Conservation areas

Re-surveys 2024 to 2025

It is common practice that a Character Appraisal should be reviewed within 5 years. Work is commencing to update Hull’s Character Appraisals. A new document will be adopted where a Conservation Area does not have one. The existing Conservation Area Character Appraisals should still be referenced. This is where relevant in the submission and consideration of planning applications.

In February 2024, we commenced a re-survey of our Conservation Areas. The aim is that each of the Conservations Areas are given a new Character Appraisal and Management Plan (CAMP). Its designated boundary will be reviewed. The scheduled work programme for 2024 to 2025 is as follows -

  • Garden Village Conservation Area - Public consultation has been completed on a draft Character Appraisal and Management Plan and for new Article 4 directions. Proposals for their formal adoption of the adoption is scheduled to be reviewed by Committee and Cabinet in September 2024
  • Spring Bank Conservation Area - Public consultation has been completed on the publication of a new Character Appraisal, Shop Front Design Guide and Masterplan. The documents will be considered for adoption by Planning Committee in July 2024
  • Beverley Road Conservation Area - A re-survey of the Conservation Area has been completed. A draft CAMP and boundary amendments have been proposed and will be reviewed by July 2024. Public consultation is scheduled to take place during July to August 2024
  • Newland Park Conservation Area - Draft plans for an updated Character Appraisal and Management Plan, boundary revisions and Article 4 Directions will be considered by Committee in September 2024. Publication Consultation will take place on the proposals in October to November 2024
  • Ella Street Conservation Area - Draft plans for an updated Character Appraisal and Management Plan, boundary revisions and an Article 4 Direction will be considered by Committee in September 2024. Publication Consultation will take place on the proposals in October to November 2024
  • Sculcoates Conservation Area - Committee permission has been granted to review the boundary of the Conservation Area. Re-survey of the Conservation Area has commenced. Draft proposals will be issued to Committee for review in Autumn 2024
  • Hessle Road - Re-survey of the Conservation Area has commenced. Draft proposals will be issued to Committee for review in Autumn 2024
  • St Andrew's Quay - Assessment of the condition and significance of the Conservation Area are being undertaken. Proposals for the future of the Conservation Area will be prepared during Autumn 2024
  • Marfleet Conservation Area – Resurvey of the Conservation Area will commence during Autumn 2024
  • Georgian New Town Conservation – Resurvey of the Conservation Area will commence during Autumn 2024

Details of live public consultation events will be posted on the website when scheduled.