Flooding and planning

Planning applications

We are the Local Planning Authority (LPA) and we must review planning applications before new developments can be built. Planners must be satisfied that proposed new development is flood resilient.

To do this, planning applications should include -

  • a site-specific flood risk assessment- following the standing advice in the SFRA
  • a Drainage Impact Assessment  which sets out the sustainable drainage systems (SuDs) to be used on site

The LPA must also consult the Lead Local Flooding Authority, which is also us, and the Environment Agency about how the development will manage the flood risk to the site and the drainage proposals to manage the flood risk to the surrounding area and take account of technical advice before a decision can be made.

To help developers we have published the following additional guidance documents -

Site-specific Flood Risk Assessment

The National Planning Policy Framework (paragraph 167, footnote 55) states that developers must assess the flood risk from a new development through a site-specific Flood Risk Assessment (FRA). This must show how flood risk will be managed now and over the lifetime of the development, taking climate change and the vulnerability of the developments users into account, and ensure that flood risk is not increased elsewhere as a result of the development.

To find out if a site- specific FRA is required when you are applying for planning permission, click here.

The site-specific FRA should identify if the proposed development will -

  • be affected by current or future flooding from any sources
  • increase flood risk elsewhere
  • include appropriate measures to deal with these effects and risks
  • include evidence required for the LPA to apply the Sequential Test, if necessary
  • include evidence to show the development would be safe and would pass an Exception Test, if required
  • where there remains a residual flood risk, the developer should satisfy requirements to make the development flood resistant and resilient