Managing flood risk

The Environment Agency has called on people to embrace a range of resilience actions. These include better protection to flooding and coastal change.

Our work is underpinned by the Environment Agency’s vision set out in the Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management (FCERM) Strategy for England - a nation ready for, and resilient to, flooding and coastal change – today, tomorrow and to the year 2100.

The Environment Agency’s vision is supported by 3 long term ambitions -

  1. climate resilient places
  2. today’s growth and infrastructure resilient in tomorrow’s climate
  3. a nation ready to respond and adapt to flooding and coastal change

We are applying the Environment Agency’s national vision of implementing flood risk management locally in Hull. Our approach to flood risk management is centred around 5 strategic aims to support the national FCRM strategy. The approach is also to adapt and improve our resilience to a wetter and uncertain future in Hull. Our aims are -

  1. assess the current state of flood risk in Hull
  2. incorporate flood resilience measures into local planning policy
  3. exchange and enhance local knowledge and expertise
  4. work in partnership with other risk management authorities
  5. deliver flood alleviation schemes to better protect -
    • communities
    • homes
    • businesses
    • land in Hull

These pages highlight some of the work we are doing to manage flood risk.