Managing flood risk

Partnership working

Successful flood risk management relies on partnership working with other risk management authorities, stakeholders and communities. This is something we are very good at. The Living with Water partnership is a living example of risk management authorities coming together to work towards a common goal. This is to reduce flood risk in Hull and East Yorkshire.

Living with Water

Living with Water is a partnership made up of -

  • Hull City Council
  • East Riding of Yorkshire Council
  • Environment Agency
  • Yorkshire Water
  • University of Hull

Living with Water aims to help build understanding across Hull and the East Riding about the threats and opportunities water brings to our region.

As Living with Water, we are working together to build flood resilience and develop innovative water management systems. We want to highlight our region as a great place to live, work and visit.

  • building resilience
    • raising awareness of flood risks within communities and deliver practical advice and information to help local people protect their homes and businesses, and to make them feel safe. Our aim is to achieve a year-on-year reduction in flood risk
  • showcasing our place
    • shining a light on Hull and the East Riding as a thriving place to live, work and visit. We celebrate the region’s rich maritime heritage and connections with the water that surrounds us. From the North Sea to the Humber Estuary and the River Hull
  • driving sustainable solutions
    • exploring innovative water management systems and collaborating with local communities and global experts to develop long-term urban water resilience in Hull and the East Riding
An image showing the Living with Water statistics - 25000 properties at reduced flood risk, 16 new flood storage reservoirs and 650000 metres cubes of additional storage volume, 9 kilometres coastal defence maintained, £88million programme works between 2015 and 2021, over 100 projects complete and 2.5 kilometres of improved tidal defence.

An image showing the Living with Water statistics - 25000 properties at reduced flood risk, 16 new flood storage reservoirs and 650000 metres cubes of additional storage volume, 9 kilometres coastal defence maintained, £88million programme works between 2015 and 2021, over 100 projects complete and 2.5 kilometres of improved tidal defence.

You can view Living with Water projects and latest news.

Global outreach

Hull has the second-highest number of homes at flood risk in England. This makes us a site of international importance in the way we manage flood risk. Global outreach is an important way to share knowledge and expertise with others.

Hull has a twin city in Freetown, Sierra-Leonne, which has been badly affected by flooding in recent years. To help share flood risk management approaches our flood experts visited Freetown in 2018.

A collage of images from the visit to Sierra Leone

A collage of images from the visit to Sierra Leone

In Sierra Leone we -

  • shared knowledge with planning and disaster management
  • influenced sustainable water management
  • exchanged knowledge with locals
  • advised on sustainable drainage systems

Hull has also hosted international delegations, including officials from Sweden, China and Japan. These visits allowed international officials to understand flood risk management in Hull and compare it with their countries. Equally, our flood officers were able to learn more about flood risk management in different countries.