In this section
Unsuccessful Applications
If an application is unsuccessful, we will send you a letter. This will explain our decision and our reasons for this. If you disagree with the decision made, you can request a review.
Rehousing Areas
Demand for accommodation in Hull far exceeds supply. We understand that you may wish to be rehoused in a certain area of Hull for work or children’s schooling. We will take this into account as far as is possible.
Our teams will assist you to find suitable and affordable properties. They will consider your personal circumstances, whilst encouraging realistic choices. It is not always possible for customers to find a home in their preferred or most ideal area.
Emergency Accommodation
If we have a duty to provide you with temporary accommodation. This could be in any area of Hull depending upon what is available at that time. If all our temporary properties are occupied we use hotels. We make every effort to move you to more suitable temporary accommodation.
Being in temporary accommodation will not speed up your homeless application. We encourage applicants to make their own temporary arrangements wherever possible.