Help with homelessness

Domestic Abuse Housing Hub

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If you need to leave your home due to domestic abuse, even if it's only for a temporary period, we are here to provide guidance and assistance. At Neighbourhood and Housing, we offer a coordinated approach in partnership with Domestic Abuse Housing specialists and have recently launched the Domestic Abuse Housing Hub. This dedicated team focuses on providing housing options for individuals facing homelessness due to domestic abuse.

You may be experiencing domestic abuse if you are subjected to -

  • coercive control, a pattern of -
    • intimidation
    • degradation
    • isolation
    • control
    • physical or sexual violence or the threat of it
  • psychological or emotional abuse
  • physical or sexual abuse
  • financial or economic abuse
  • harassment or stalking

Domestic abuse can also include so called 'honour-based' abuse, female genital mutilation (FGM), and forced marriage.

Domestic abuse can affect anyone, regardless of -

  • gender
  • age
  • race
  • disability
  • sexual orientation
  • social background

The Domestic Abuse Housing Hub will support you in either staying in your current home, if that’s your preference, or help you find alternative accommodation, either temporarily or permanently.

How we can assist

  • we will assess each case of homelessness individually and create a personal housing plan tailored to your needs
  • offer support to help you remain in your current home, including the Sanctuary Scheme
  • provide referrals to specialist support services like DAP and Women’s Aid
  • assist in finding alternative accommodation, which could include private accommodation, social housing, or temporary accommodation
  • if you are our tenant, we will work closely with your Tenancy Officer to maximise support

How to access support

If you feel threatened or at risk of violence, call the police immediately by ringing 999.

If you are calling 999 from a mobile and cannot speak, press 55 and your call will be transferred to the police.

More information on how to make a silent 999 call.

If you require assistance from the Domestic Abuse Housing Hub, please ring 01482 612 040 and choose option one.

If you or someone you are supporting requires emergency accommodation outside of normal working hours, contact us on 01482 300 304.

If it is not safe to speak via the phone, please approach the nearest Customer Service Centre.