Houses in multiple occupation

Advice for landlords

Any House of Multiple Occupancy (HMO) must -

  • have adequate fire precautions
  • follow amenity standards
  • be of an adequate size

Contact the Private Housing (Environmental Health) team for more information through the button below.

Request advice from HMO licensing (opens in new window)

HMO in the Article 4 areas

Hull City Council’s planning department introduced an 'Article 4' area in relation to HMOs. This was in a specific geographical area of the city in October 2013. An application for change of use must be made if a property in the boundary of the Article 4 area is converted. This is converted from a family house or 'single occupancy dwelling'. The property has the aim of being a HMO with 3 or more persons within it.

If it is proven that a property was already occupied as a HMO by 3 to 6 people before this date, it will be classed as having 'established use'. It can continue being used as such.

As of the 8 August 2019 the Article 4 area within the city expanded to include the areas of -

  • Beverley Road South
  • Spring Bank
  • Anlaby Road
  • Hessle Road NaSA area
  • Holderness Road West of Maybury Road

The boundary of the original Article 4 area and information on the new Article 4 areas.

In September 2022 the planning department introduced Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) 20. This document provides more guidance on avoiding concentrations of HMOs. It also has guidance on safeguarding residential amenity. An application for HMO use is unlikely to be supported if it would result in a family dwelling being ‘sandwiched’ by HMOs on both sides. An application for HMO use is also unlikely to be supported if it would result in 3 or more adjacent HMO dwellings.


The 4 main definitions of a HMO under the Housing Act 2004 (the Act) can be found in sections 254 and 257. The 'standard test' under section 254(2) defines any building occupied by 3 or more persons, forming 2 or households and not related by 'blood' or by 'marriage', as a HMO. Further information on the definitions of 'blood' and 'marriage' can be found in the Act.

Any house or flat occupied by 3 unrelated people including -

  • students
  • migrant workers

for example, no matter whether they are on 1 tenancy agreement or not, is a HMO. This means The Management of Houses in Multiple Occupation (England) Regulations 2006 apply. You must have the electrical installation checked by a competent electrician at least every 5 years. You also need to get an Electrical Installation Condition Report (EICR).

HMO subject to licensing

The definition of a HMO subject to licensing is contained within Part 2 of the Act and The Licensing of Houses in Multiple Occupation (Prescribed Descriptions) (England) Order 2018.

A property is a HMO subject to licensing if it is occupied by 5 or more persons. The persons form 2 or more households, and they share a bathroom or kitchen. A property must meet all 3 criteria to need a licence. A licence exists for 5 years unless it is revoked.

If you buy a property that has an existing Mandatory licence, the licence is not transferable. You must apply in an individual’s or Company name. You be sure that you have electronic copies of the relevant certificates and plans. This is before beginning the application.

A non-refundable payment of £225 must be made using the online payment system. This is to check and process the application form. It involves a 'fit and proper person check' on each application. When the checks are completed, the successful applicant will be informed. They will receive an acceptance letter. A second payment must then be made to issue the licence. The payment is used to undertake onsite checks during the period of the licence.

A licensed property must have a Fire Safety Risk Assessment specific to the address. Further information on Fire Safety Risk Assessments.

If you have any further questions on HMOs or HMOs subject to licensing, contact the Private housing team by -

Telephone - 01482 300 300

Email - or

Changes to licensing standards and conditions

The HMO licensing standards and conditions have been amended. This is to reflect the national minimum space standards for bedrooms, where there is the provision of a suitably sized shared living space.

Where suitably sized shared living space has not been provided, existing locally adopted bedroom sizes will remain in effect.

The terms 'Shared House' and 'Bedsit' have been replaced with 'Cohesive' and 'Non-cohesive'. This is when describing different types of HMOs.