Houses in multiple occupation

How to apply

New applications apply if -

  • you have recently converted a property to a HMO containing 5 or more persons. This would be forming 2 or more households and the sharing of amenities
  • the number of occupants within an existing HMO has increased to 5 or more persons. This would be forming 2 or more households and the sharing of amenities
  • the previous licence has expired
  • you have recently purchased a property which was previously licensed. Licences cannot be transferred

Apply for a new HMO (opens in new window)

Renewal applications apply if -

  • you are the holder of an existing licence which is due to expire in the next 30 days

Renew a licence (opens in new window)

Variations apply if - 

  • there is an increase or decrease in the number of occupants or households
  • change to the layout of the property
  • amend of remove a specific condition

Apply for a variation (opens in new window)

A non-refundable payment of £225 must be made using the online payment system. This covers the administration and processing of the application form. It involves a 'fit and proper person check' in relation to the individual property. When the checks are completed, the successful applicant will be notified. Later, an invoice setting out the outstanding balance of the licensing fee will be sent.

If you do not hold a valid licence, you risk having to pay back any rent collected for the property and a fine of up to £20,000.

The Assistant Director Neighbourhoods and Housing authorised the Fees and Charges Policy 2023 to 2024. It includes the fees and charges in relation to licensing.