High street accelerator - Stepney area

The Stepney area of Beverley Road was confirmed by the government as one of 10 national pilots for High Street Accelerator status.

Taking part in this innovative pilot provides the opportunity for the community to help improve the high street. It will also help identify a clear vision for this area of Beverley Road and also to tackle -

  • long-standing vacancy issues
  • anti-social behaviour
  • graffiti
  • concerns that affect our local residents

and to address concerns that affect our local residents and overall improve the high street.

Supported up until March 2025 by revenue funding available from the government and the recently announced green funding to improve green spaces around the high street.

Funding has been made available to make this area a be­tter place to live, work and shop. This work could include -

  • projects to improve safety
  • better signage, lighting and street design
  • seating and picnic areas
  • community events
  • cleaning graffiti and chewing gum
  • colourful murals
  • new trees and plants
  • tidying up parks

The project so far

The project launched on 15th March 2024 with an ‘Action Week’, which saw -

  • the removal of graffiti
  • street edging and gulley cleaning work undertaken by the Love Your Street Team
  • skips for rubbish throughout the area

Throughout the week we were joined on litter picks by -

  • local residents
  • Humberside Police
  • Humberside Fire and Rescue Service
  • ReNew
  • Area Team
  • pupils from both Stepney Primary School and Hull Trinity House Academy

An astonishing 47 tonnes of waste, litter, and unwanted household items was removed.

What next

Thank you to those who have taken part in the first round of research to help us understand the real issues affecting high street users and what you think the area needs to make it a better place to live, work, play, and shop.

We are currently analysing the results of this research, which will inform plans for the improvement of the area. Once these designs have been produced, we will engage with you again and ask you what you think.

Watch this space for your opportunity to feedback on these designs.