New house building and regeneration

Other sites

Phase One completed

Small Sites Housing programme has 39 new 2-bedroom bungalows on 10 small sites.

Sites in Phase 2

The Hopewell Road and Hollywell Close project will see the delivery of 18 new Council Homes, which will consist of six two-bed bungalows and twelve three-bed houses across both sites.

Planning approval was granted for both projects in 2023 and local builder, Geo Houlton & Sons Ltd, was appointed in May 2024.

Building is due to start in summer 2024 to complete spring 2025. New homes are allocated from the council house waiting list in accordance with our usual allocations process.

  • Hopewell Road – 6 two-bed bungalows and 4 three-bed houses
  • Holywell Close – 8 three-bed houses

View the plans -

Phase 3

Our partners and us are working on plans for new housing developments on 5 sites. These will provide high quality, affordable homes to help meet local housing need. Our partners -

  • Local Partnerships
  • ID Planning
  • IDP Architects

From Tuesday 20 February you will be able to view the plans, find more information, and have your say on the following -

  • Walliker Street - 6 houses. The proposed site is at the southern end of Walliker and Perry Street near the railway line
  • Ellerburn Avenue - 5 houses. The proposed site is at the end of Ellerburn Avenue near Hall Road
  • Martin Close - 5 houses
  • Campbell Court - 17 bungalows
  • Oriel Grove - 16 houses and 4 bungalows