New house building and regeneration

As a strategic housing authority, we seek to understand and respond to housing needs. We do this by making the best use of the housing stock and planning and facilitating new housing.

To help do this we -

  • seek funding to refurbish and improve housing
  • deliver housing lead neighbourhood regeneration
  • acquire and demolish substandard housing

Part of delivering our housing growth plan includes building new council houses. We are working with partners to build modern new houses for sale or for rent from housing associations or for shared ownership and private rent. This is all done within the framework of the Hull Local Plan.

We have a programme to build modern, high quality council homes for rent across the city.

The major sites where building is still taking place are -

  • Hawthorn Avenue
  • Ings
  • Orchard Park
  • Preston Road
  • Kingswood

We are working to encourage wildlife and biodiversity in our schemes.

Citywide lead developer

Working with the Citywide Lead Developer Partner, Citywide Partnership provides -

  • new homes
  • employment
  • training opportunities
  • inward investment into the city, by building on land owned by the council

Our partners are -

The Citywide Partnership has an ambitious programme for up to 4000 new homes over a 13 year period. We have a potential private investment of more than £500 million.

You can access more information on the Preston Road regeneration.

Building on Kingswood

Wawne View, approved in 2016 -

  • 1600 new homes
  • a school extension
  • a local retail park
  • public and private landscaping
  • recreational facilities

Planning is approved for the first 750 homes on land to the East of Wawne Road and surrounding the primary school.

Phase one - Wawne View

Location Number of homes Provider
Kingsfield Park 285 Keepmoat Homes
Kingsfield Park 42 Home Group
Attraction 253 Strata
Attraction 12 Home Group
Meux Rise 188 Persona
Meux Rise 12 Home Group

 Phase 2 - Wawne View

Location Number of homes Provider
Attraction Phase 2 180 Strata
Wawne View Phase 2 191 Keepmoat Homes
Attraction Phase 3 49 Strata
Wawne View Phase 3 67 Keepmoat Homes