New house building and regeneration

Pickering (Boothferry Flats), Henson Villas, and Selworthy Close

AR Urbanism completed an initial feasibility masterplan in summer 2024 for the sites and we are exploring options for delivering new housing on the sites.

There will be at least the same number of energy efficient and sustainable new council homes as those demolished on the sites.

Pickering (Boothferry Flats)

There will be at least 144 homes built on this site. We will keep about a third of the greenspace as part of the design.

Henson Villas

It is estimated that around 30 new comfortable, energy efficient homes, can be built on this site to a modern standard. This enables us to offer decent, quality homes.

Selworthy Close

Selworthy Close to land at Minehead Road. It is a brownfield site formally a residential development in the North Carr area in the Bransholme West Ward. The site is identified for housing in the local plan for over 150 new homes.

Design development will include -

  • protecting and integrating with local area
  • public realm, open space, and landscaping
  • permeability and connectivity focussing on providing more opportunities for walking and cycling
  • contribution to the delivery of the council's sustainability and climate change agenda

These ideas are at an early stage. A key part of the work will be consultation with the community to develop these. We have held conversations with communities on the several layout options for each site. We have done this by holding events and inviting feedback. The result of these will be available online.

We will be holding more events throughout the coming year. These are for us to gather your feedback on how you would like the site to look and what is important to you. We would love to meet with -

  • businesses
  • resident groups
  • schools
  • young people
  • care homes
  • other community groups